

Newest Release: Making Differences Work

Amazon bestseller

Newest Release:

Amazon bestseller

Run Toward Your Goliaths eBook

“Tall, intimidating and loud… the giants of discouragement and challenge seek to loom in our lives.  Yet with a skilled sling, a few stones and the power of faith…they can fall and fall hard.  Run Toward Your Goliaths™ is a transparent testimony and training for us on how to take down the giants hindering our life’s forward progress.  Dr. Jones  will brilliantly lead you through his personal and heartfelt journey to the places of wisdom and victory God has for you!”

Gregg Matte

Pastor, Houston’s First Baptist Church

“In this book you will find the source of Eli’s success which is accompanied by hard work, ingenuity, and sacrifice.  Not only do his words challenge the reader to not sit idly while life passes one by, he inspires those on life’s journey to cherish and appreciate those who mentor and mold us into who we are.  Eli is living out his thesis by continuing to “Run toward the Goliaths” in his life.  Allow this book to help you identify the “smooth stones” in your life as you will most certainly face giants of your own.”

Mickey Rapier

Fellowship Bible Church

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