Prioritizing Wellness Amidst the Hustle and Grind: A Framework for Supporting the Mental Health of B2B Sales Professionals | Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management | Kemp, Elyria, Nwamaka A. Anaza, McDowell Porter III, Cassandra Denise Davis, and Eli Jones | November 2024 |
Communicating with B2B Buyers after “Dropping the Ball”: Using Digital and Non-Digital Communication Formats to Recover from Salesperson Transgressions | International Journal of Research in Marketing | Mangus, Stephanie, Huanhuan Shi, Judith Garretson-Folse, Eli Jones, and Hari Sridhar | June 2024 |
We Are Not on the Same Page: The Effects of Salesperson Trust Overestimation on Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Performance | Industrial Marketing Management | Mangus, Stephanie, Eli Jones, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Shrihari Sridhar | February 2023 |
The Comparative Effects of Gratitude and Indebtedness in B2B Relationships | Industrial Marketing Management | Mangus, Stephanie, Dora Bock, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Eli Jones | May 2022 |
The Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Control Systems and Sales Performance | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Vieira, Valter Afonso, Eli Jones, Valter da Silva Faia, Juliano Domingues da Silva, and Leticia Fernandes de Negreiros | February 2022 |
The Interplay between Business and Personal Trust on Relationship Performance in Conditions of Market Turbulence | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Mangus, Stephanie, Eli Jones, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, and Shrihari Sridhar | March 2020 |
Examining the Effects of Mutual Information Sharing and Relationship Empathy: A Social Penetration Theory Perspective | Journal of Business Research | Mangus, Stephanie, Dora Bock, Eli Jones, and Judith Anne Garretson-Folse | March 2020 |
Gratitude in Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Dyadic Investigation | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Mangus, Stephanie M., Dora E. Bock, Eli Jones, and Judith Anne Garretson Folse | August 2017 |
Time, Change, and Longitudinally Emergent Conditions: Understanding and Applying Longitudinal Growth Modeling in Sales Research | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Bolander, Willy, Riley Dugan, and Eli Jones | May 2017 |
Bridging Research and Practice: How Sales Training Can Contribute to New Product Launch Success | Performance Improvement | Fu, Frank Q. and Eli Jones | February 2015 |
Better Together: Trait Competitiveness and Competitive Psychological Climate as Antecedents of Salesperson Organizational Commitment and Sales Performance | Marketing Letters | Wyatt, A. Schrock, Douglas E. Hughes, Frank Q. Fu, Keith A. Richard, and Eli Jones | September 2016 |
Is Market Orientation a Source of Sustainable Competitive Advantage or Simply the Cost of Competing | Journal of Marketing | Kumar, V., Eli Jones, Rajkumar Venkatesan, and Robert P. Leone | January 2011 |
Motivating Salespeople to Sell New Products: The Relative Influence of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Self-Efficacy | Journal of Marketing | Fu, Frank, Keith Richards, Douglas Hughes, and Eli Jones | November 2010 |
Key Account Management: Adding Elements of Account Fit to an Integrative Theoretical Framework | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Richards, Keith and Eli Jones | October 2009 |
Developing a Strategic Framework of Key Account Performance | Journal of Strategic Marketing | Jones, Eli, Keith Richards, Diane Halstead, and Frank Fu | August 2009 |
The Motivation Hub: Effects of Goal Setting and Self-Efficacy on Effort and New Product Sales | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Fu, Frank, Keith Richards, and Eli Jones | July 2009 |
Managing the Drivers of Organizational Commitment and Salesperson Effort: An Application of Meyer and Allen’s Three-Component Model | Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice | Fu, Frank, Willy Bolander, and Eli Jones | October 2009 |
Product Innovativeness, Customer Newness, and New Product Performance: A Time-Lagged Examination of the Impact of Salesperson Selling Intentions on New Product Performance | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Fu, Frank, Eli Jones, and Willy Bolander | October 2008 |
Customer Relationship Management: Finding Value Drivers | Industrial Marketing Management | Richards, Keith and Eli Jones | April 2008 |
High Touch through High Tech: The Impact of Salesperson Technology Usage on Customer Satisfaction and Salesperson Performance | Management Science | Ahearne, Michael, Eli Jones, Adam Rapp, and John Mathieu | April 2008 |
Examining the Effect of Salesperson Service Behavior in a Competitive Context | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Ahearne, Michael, Ronald Jelinek, and Eli Jones | February 2007 |
Technology Use on the Front Line: A Longitudinal Analysis of How Technology Enhances Individual Performance | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Sundaram, Suresh, Andrew Schwarz, Eli Jones, and Wynne Chin | February 2007 |
The Role of Overload on Job Attitudes, Turnover Intentions, and Salesperson Performance | Journal of Business Research | Jones, Eli, Lawrence Chonko, Deva Rangarajan, and James Roberts | July 2007 |
Diagnosing Sales Force Change Resistance: What We Can Learn from the Addiction Literature | Marketing Management Journal | Chonko, Lawrence B., James A. Roberts, and Eli Jones | March 2006 |
The Scholarship of Teaching in Sales Education | Marketing Education Review | Anderson, Rolph, Andrea Dixon, Mark Johnston, Eli Jones, Raymond LaForge, Greg Marshall, Jeff Tanner | August 2005 |
The Attenuating Effect of Role Overload on Relationships Linking Self-Efficacy and Goal Level to Work Performance | Journal of Applied Psychology | Brown, Steve, Eli Jones, and Thomas Leigh | November 2005 |
Introduction to the Special Issue: Advancing the Field of Selling and Sales Management | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Brown, Steven P. and Eli Jones | March 2005 |
The Need for Speed: Agility Selling | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Chonko, Lawrence and Eli Jones | October 2005 |
The Changing Environment of Selling and Sales Management | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Jones, Eli, Steven Brown, Andris Zoltners, and Barton Weitz | March 2005 |
Key Accounts and Team Selling: A Review, Framework and Research Agenda | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Jones, Eli, Andrea Dixon, Lawrence Chonko, and Joseph Cannon | March 2005 |
Impact of Sales Force Automation on Technology-Related Stress, Effort, and Technology Usage among Salespeople | Industrial Marketing Management | Rangarajan, Deva, Eli Jones, and Wynne Chin | May 2005 |
Antecedents and Consequences of Customer-Driven Sales Force Obsolescence: Perceptions from Sales & Marketing Executives | Industrial Marketing Management | Jones, Eli, Lawrence B. Chonko, and James A. Roberts | May 2004 |
Organizational Variables, Sales Force Perceptions of Readiness for Change, Learning and Performance among Boundary-Spanning Teams: A Conceptual Framework and Propositions for Research | Industrial Marketing Management | Rangarajan, Deva, Lawrence B. Chonko, Eli Jones, and James A. Roberts | March 2004 |
Organizational Readiness for Change, Individual Fear of Change and Sales Manager Performance: An Empirical Investigation | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Weeks, William, James Roberts, Lawrence Chonko, and Eli Jones | February 2004 |
Organizational and Individual Learning in the Sales Force: An Agenda for Sales Research | Journal of Business Research | Chonko, Lawrence B., Alan Dubinsky, Eli Jones, and James A. Roberts | December 2003 |
Development of a Relationship Selling Mindset: Organizational Influencers | Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing | Dubinsky, Alan, Lawrence B. Chonko, Eli Jones, and James A. Roberts | March 2003 |
Firm Market Orientation and Salesperson Customer Orientation: Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Influences on Customer Service and Retention in Business-to-Business Buyer-Seller Relationships | Journal of Business Research | Jones, Eli, Paul S. Busch, and Peter Dacin | April 2003 |
Creating a Partnership-Oriented, Knowledge-Creation Culture in Strategic Sales Alliances: A Conceptual Model | Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing | Jones, Eli, Lawrence B. Chonko, and James A. Roberts | August 2003 |
Environmental Turbulence, Readiness for Change, Change Success, and Learning in the Sales Force. | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Chonko, Lawrence B., Eli Jones, Alan Dubinsky, and James A. Roberts | April 2002 |
Factors Leading to Sales Force Automation Use: A Longitudinal Analysis | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Jones, Eli, Suresh Sundaram, and Wynne Chin | August 2002 |
Money Attitudes, Credit Card Use, and Compulsive Buying Among American College Students | Journal of Consumer Affairs | Roberts, James A. and Eli Jones | December 2001 |
CPA Advertising Practices: An Empirical Examination of Small and Large CPA Firms | CPA Journal | Gamble, George, Gwendolyn Hightower-Quick, Eli Jones, and Priscilla Slade | February 2000 |
Motivating Sales Entrepreneurs to Change: A Conceptual Framework of Factors Leading to Successful Change Management Initiatives in Sales Organizations | Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice | Jones, Eli, James Roberts, and Lawrence Chonko | March 2000 |
Managing Salesperson Motivation in a Territory Realignment | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Smith, Kirk, Eli Jones, and Edward Blair | December 2000 |
Undergraduate Marketing Education in the 21st Century: Views from Three Institutions | Marketing Education Review | Smart, Denise, Chuck Tomkovick, Eli Jones, and Anil Menon | March 1999 |
Salesperson Race and Gender and the Access and Legitimacy Paradigm: Does Difference Make a Difference? | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Jones, Eli, Jesse Moore, Andrea Stanaland, and Rosalind Wyatt | August 1998 |
Leader Behavior, Work Attitudes, and Sales Force Turnover: An Integrative Study | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | Jones, Eli, Donna Kantak, Charles M. Futrell, and Mark Johnston | April 1996 |